The Gateless Gate
Basho's Staff:
Basho Osho said to his disciples, "If you have a staff, I will give you a staff. If you have no staff, I will take it from you."
Hoen's "Who is He?":
Hoen of Tozan said, "Even Shakya and Maitreya are servants of another. I want to ask you, who is he?"
Joshu's Oak Tree:
A monk asked JOshu, "What is the meaning of Bodhidharma's coming to China?" Joshu said, "The oak tree in the garden."
Nansen's "Reason is Not the Way":
Nansen said, "Mind is not the Buddha; reason is not the Way."
Baso's "No Mind, No Buddha":
A monk asked Baso, "What is the Buddha?" Baso answered, "No mind, no Buddha."
When the Bell Sounds:
Ummon said, "The world is vast and wide. Why do you put on your seven-piece robe at the sound of the bell?"
The Sixth Patriarch's "Your Mind Moves":
The wind was flapping a temple flag, and two monks started an argument. One said the flag moved, the other said the wind moved; they argued back and forth but could not reach a conclusion. The Sixth Patriarch said, "It is not the wind that moves, it is not the flag that moves, it is your mind that moves." The two monks were awe-struck.
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